Menghantar anak ke sekolah aliran cina menjadi pilihan kebanyakan ibu bapa masa kini. Kelebihannya ialah si kecil boleh membaca dan menulis bahasa Mandarin dengan baik. Seperti Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Al Masrie memilih untuk menghantar anak pertama dan keduanya ke Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC).
Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah tanpa komitmen yang tinggi daripada ibu bapa sendiri memberikan sokongan dan bantuan. Anak-anak Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, Sophea Isabella, 8 tahun dan Sophea Natasha, 6 tahun dihantar ke sekolah aliran cina.
Kata angkasawan negara ini, anak ketiga dan keempatnya, Sheikh Adam & Sheikh Noah nanti akan menyusul jejak langkah kakak-kakaknya.
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar menerusi kemaskini Instagram berkongsi tip berdasarkan pengalamannya menghantar Bella dan Tasha ke sekolah aliran cina. Walau pun berhadapan kesukaran pada awalnya, ia sangat berbaloi!
Tasha’s homework …
It’s important for our kids to be fluent in Mandarin hoping they will have an advantage later on in life – hence the reason I send Bella & Tasha to a SJKC
The Education System , the Discipline, the teachers – all are amazing .
But lots of sacrifices are needed upon sending them to a Chinese School .
1. All homework are in Mandarin .
Parents need to spend a lot of time on their homework. We use translation Apps to understand and teach them . It’s like the blind teaching the blind . – Haha
And it gets tougher from Primary 2 onwards which I couldn’t cope . We had to call a personal tutor for Bella 3x a week at home .
Already plan for Tasha for Mandarin tuition as she is at a Kindergarten SJKC at the moment
2. Halal Food
There is a section part of Halal Food at the School Canteen but we prefer to bring home-cooked meals for the kids . It’s safer and healthier too .
3. Usaha Kuasai Mandarin Pada Peringkat Awal
It’s a struggle in the beginning but things are getting better . Bella has shown tremendous improvement speaking and writing in Mandarin which makes me proud with tears … Finally all the struggles are totally worth it .
Tasha is still in the early stage still speaking English with her friends … but her writing has improved . She does speak Mandarin bit here and there …
4. Komitmen Kerja Rumah
To parents who wish to send their child to a SJKC – prepare yourself with lots of commitment to your child Schoolwork .
5. Tadika Aliran Cina
It’s an advantage to enrol them in a Chinese Kindergarten . Don’t expect the kids to speak or write Mandarin so soon . Usually they improve with time … can be seen when they enter Standard Two or Three …
It’s totally worth it …
Soon Adam & Noah will follow suit just like their sisters – InsyaAllah .
Just sharing .
Love As Always …
PS – I have no idea what Tasha’s homework was . I’d normally ask Bella to translate – Haha
Sumber: drsheikhmuszaphar
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